

1080年x1080-improvesvirtualcommunication.jpgAs COVID-19 continues to impact our lives, it’s natural to seek reliability in our daily routine. 除了健康的饮食习惯, 锻炼, 以及压力管理, online learning can provide a reliable learning experience that will continue to operate effectively despite external events. Here are three reasons why online education can keep up with a continually changing world, 不管这些变化是发生在家里还是外面.


在获得学位的过程中, any number of unanticipated situations may pop up without warning. 家庭紧急情况等事件, 意想不到的搬迁, or weather-caused evacuations could force you to leave your home temporarily—but that doesn’t mean you have to take a break from school. 你去哪里,在线学习就去哪里, 所以你在课堂上只需要一台笔记本电脑, 可靠的互联网接入, and a personal schedule that still allows for continuous course engagement and the completion of assignments. 如果你在紧急情况下需要几天来调整, your instructor is always available through email and can potentially offer deadline extensions or other solutions. Remember in emergency situations to alert your instructors so they can become partners in helping you.


Another way online learning provides stability is that courses are likely to continue despite unforeseen events. In some cases, online courses will persist even when face-to-face classes are canceled. 一个及时的例子是COVID-19. While many colleges canceled in-person classes and shut down their campuses, online courses at those very same schools continued with a minimal pause. The lack of disruption to your online course was possible because online courses are designed to be “no contact”—in other words, 学生不需要亲自见面或参观校园.

然而, keep in mind that online courses are not the same as remote courses, 自疫情出现以来,大多数大学采取了哪些措施. Remote classes have different requirements and may differ from truly online courses. To better understand the difference between online and remote courses, check out 了解远程学习和在线学习之间的差异.


One last reason you can rely on your online course is its ability to provide everything you need in a single place. 你的教学大纲, 其中应该包括明确的目标, 最后期限, 和期望, 会出现在你的课程中吗, 文章也一样, 网页, 视频, 演讲, 以及老师提供的其他资源. The consolidation of online materials makes it possible for you to be on the go without needing to keep track of paper handouts. 另外, 随着数字教科书租赁的日益普及, 你可能不需要随身携带一本书, 要么! 所有的课程内容都集中在一个地方, you can respond to external emergencies without managing multiple documents.

作为成人学习者, you are constantly reacting to situations that arise in your home, 在工作中, 或其他地方. Despite the uncertainty, you can depend on the reliability of online courses at the 阿拉莫大学. 你去哪里,它们就去哪里, 不管外部情况如何继续, 并为您提供一个方便的互动和学习场所. If you’re ready to earn your degree or 证书, contact an AlamoONLINE enrollment coach today!



Enrollment Coaches are here to help you get started with the application process and to guide you through registration for fully online courses this upcoming semester. We can also connect you to an advisor, as well as refer you to services available to online students.

不要拖延,打电话 (210) 485-0110 或电子邮件,今天!



AlamoONLINE represents the range of opportunities for students pursuing degrees, 证书, or 其他提供s delivered 100% online from 东北湖景学院, 西北维斯塔学院, 帕洛阿尔托学院, 圣安东尼奥学院, 和圣. 菲利普的大学.

澳门新葡京博彩, 100%在线学位, 证书, 其他提供, or Transfer Advising Guide (TAG) has all courses offered fully online and does not require students to come on campus or to an external site except for required proctored exams or to participate in a clinical, 实习, 合作教育, 或实习地点.