Online learning improves virtual communication skills


1080x1080-improvesvirtualcommunication.jpg在线学生在很大程度上依赖于虚拟交流技巧与同学和老师交流. 假设你是绝大多数喜欢电子邮件和短信而不是面对面交谈的美国人中的一员. In that case, this may sound like the perfect way to communicate—but hold on. 重要的是要记住,你给朋友发短信的随意方式不应该延续到你的课堂邮件和帖子中. Part of being a successful online student is learning to strike a professional tone; otherwise, your messages could come across as flippant, 不清楚, 甚至是冒犯.

As an online learner, 比起你的第一份(或下一份)专业工作,现在首先练习你的虚拟沟通技巧对你来说是最有利的, where the recipients of your messages will be co-workers, 经理, and even executive leadership. 下面列出了三种常见的虚拟交流任务,它们会出现在澳门新葡京博彩的在线课程中,也会出现在你现在或未来的工作场所中. 继续读下去,你会更好地理解为什么这些任务很重要,需要掌握,以及你如何在每个领域取得进步.

合作.png Virtual group collaboration projects

Group projects have their share of innate challenges, 但是,虚拟小组项目在远程环境中完成的额外挑战. As an online student, 您将不得不依靠电子邮件或视频会议来了解项目期望. Which team member is responsible for “X” part of the project? What program will you use to compile the team’s research and resources? What are the deadlines for each stage of the project? If posing these 问题s through email, you should be careful to use phrasing that is concise but not demanding. If the first meeting will be through Zoom or Google Hangouts, 准备好这些组织问题是很重要的,这样才能有效地利用最初的会议时间.

As an online collaborator, your contributions make you a valuable group member. 你的时间、精力和洞察力很重要,可以提高团队最终产品的质量. 每一个对话, 问题, 虚拟会议成为在你的工作小组中建立社区和信任的基石. 成功的虚拟协作是当今工作场所不可或缺的一项技能, so don’t try to avoid it when a group project opportunity emerges in your online class. 拥抱, 实践, 并付诸实施, so that you are prepared to participate in successful workplace collaborations, where deadlines and expectations can be reflected in your job performance rating.

VirtualMeeting.png Video conference meetings

With the emergence of remote learning, you may have heard of students who attend their Zoom class from their bed, 外, 甚至赤膊上阵. When it comes to participating in a professional video conference, 经验法则是,如果会议是面对面进行的,你就应该以这种方式参加会议. Professional meetings require you to dress in appropriate attire and sit at a desk or table. 添加适当的照明和插入虚拟背景也会大大提高你的职业形象.

今天练习专业的视频会议习惯,明天就会养成更好的习惯. Zooming or FaceTiming classmates may not seem like a situation that requires planning, 但你的下一份工作可能会要求你参加甚至主持与工作场所重要人物的虚拟会议, 包括利益相关者,他们对你的专业精神的看法可能会影响你的 opportunities to participate in projects.

批判.png Written critiques to others

在在线课程中,你有时会被要求发电子邮件或发帖批评另一个人的工作. 一次成功的复习需要你展示出你用简洁的语言交流的能力, 尊重, and professional manner. 例如, 在在线课程中, you may be asked to critique a classmate’s paper, video, 或报告. To respond in a professional way, you should be strategic with the words you choose, the reasoning you use, and how you phrase your thoughts. You must also be prepared to provide suggestions or solutions. 简单的写作, “I like your presentation,” will not earn you a high grade from your instructor, and it doesn’t benefit your classmate, 要么.

Similarly, you must be prepared to receive critiques about your work. 让别人评论你努力开发的项目或产品可能会很困难. If you feel the critique is undeserved or unfair, remember that responding rudely is unprofessional and unproductive. Online courses and professional workplaces share an expectation of good behavior, 因此,学习如何对你不同意的反馈做出专业的回应是一项必要的沟通技巧. 在线课程为你提供了充分的机会来完善提供和接受反馈的艺术. 更好的是, 您将通过虚拟软件接收并给出反馈和批评,这将在工作场所中很常见.

With each online course you complete, 你正在培养虚拟的沟通技巧,以便在未来的职业生涯中更好地为你服务. Not only will these communication skills help you succeed in earning your online degree, it will also prepare you for success in professional environments, whether it is remote or in person.

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AlamoONLINE represents the range of opportunities for students pursuing degrees, 证书, or 其他提供s delivered 100% online from 澳门新葡京博彩 大学, 西北Vista 大学, 帕洛阿尔托学院, 圣安东尼奥 大学, 和圣. 菲利普的大学.

At our 阿拉莫大学, a 100% online degree, 证书, 其他提供, 或转学建议指南(TAG)的所有课程都是完全在线提供的,不需要学生到校园或外部网站 except for required proctored exams or to participate in a clinical, 实习, cooperative education, 或实习地点.